i promised to post about sports carnival but i am going to skip it but still give few details!
i am damn sad cause i have certian friends who are really ungrateful to the fact that i helped them organise the carnival fixtures and just kept blaming me for not putting their name when they didnt even ask me to put their name...even more is when i got kicked out of all the events that i signed up for to play...fucking hell i signed up but i dont get to play...so i have decided to not listen to anyone and do my own stuff from now on...thats was for 20 may 2009
TODAY!!!(22 may 2009)
Today was viveks birthday the long awaited surprise that i have been planning for him...finally was here...in the morning we decided to ignore him and make him think that we all forgot his b'day and just gave him a fake present that was a bunch of newspapers witha dumb game set...
during recess we were supposed to cut his cake but then mr.nathan delayed his lesson and i decided to talk to him and ask him permissions to celebrate it during the CI lesson...and he agreed...so during CI lesson we all went to the canteen vivek was thinking that we were there to have some stupid ELC lesson...but the actual fact was we all were there to cut his cake and give him b'day present which was an mp4 which i am glad he loves:)
Then was time to go watch a movie but we had to get our art exam stuff done so we went to the art room and settled the N-Level Stuff...then off we went to the movie theatre to watch a movie:)
this is the part which irritated me the most ,i had invited all of the people who came to watch a movie that vivek wanted and in the end everyone started saying they done wanna watch cause it is not a movie to their liking so in the end i said whatever i am here to watch a movie with him you wanna watch watch dont wan i dont care...so eventuall some went home and Vivek,Pat,Shirlene,Me,Carine,Shahul and Zul went to watch Star Trek...damn boring i was sleeping through out the whole movie and i was DAMN DAMN COLD!!!BRRRR!!!!!
IWant to apologise to Patricia because i told her that i will follow her to Subway for dinner and in the end i ps'ed her...i am really SORRY SORRY:(please forgive me:)
so back to the story,then i gave them all my most prized present friendship bands which i hope they will treasure:)
it really means alot to me for those i gave to:)
then pat carine went to the coffee shop to eat and i went home:)
lastly i want to tell vivek:)
also i want to thank all 4/8 for helping me co-ordinate this surprise and help me keep the secret!
i want to tell the stupid backstabber that fuck you man i still pulled this off and i really hope he had a wonderful time:)enjoy your NC16 Birthday man:)