I just heard from my parents that after sec 4 schooling they want to send me to new zealand to study.i dont wanna go i will miss my friends and most of all SINGAPORE!!!
ahhhh!!!!!but actually now when i think of it it actually sounds good cause i can have a brighter future and not worry about stupid friendship problems!!!
today we Me Patricia and Vivek had to go to some MOE dialouge session...we had to bring up ideas on our school and how to improve our the same place we saw many people who we hated like E_L_E_...
i actually wanted to wish Eileen a happy birthday but i didnt want to betray or backstabb my class so eventually i decided not to do so...i actually just smiled at her and i think i got one back in return:)
so being the better person here goes:
Happy Birthday Eileen!!!,May you have a memorable birthday so what if we hate each other i just wanted to let you know:)
thats all for today:)type in again tomorrow on updates on the presidential elections for club gems:)
Monday, May 25, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
My Life I realise today that it is filled with much i treat my friends like gold they treat my like a piece of shit!
sometimes i wonder what/why i do this to myself?
heres the deal,i really carED for my friends i mean i used to care for all of them but i realise how much i cared but only some still consider me their true friend.
you go out and then never invite then say "best friend"!!!
hmph,please lah think again before you talk can???
Best Friends go out together and dont backstabb but you did,you say borther brother brother but think lah,you also got talk bad about you so called brother right?
enough of your craps!!!!!!!!
stop pleasing everyone with those fake words!!!
it is not working!!!
YOU just wait and see i will soon organise something and not invite you and the next day i will tell everyone about it!!!!see how you feel!!!
if you dont want us to be friends just say so dont BACKSTABB!!!!!!!
bloody piece of SHIT!!!
really lah stop calling ur self friend if you are fake!!!
you dont know how it feels like cause no one has done it to you but soon you will....i will show you soon...real soon!!!
sorry guys(not including the backstabbers) for not osting proper things today i really ahve to vent my anger and saddness!!!
i will post about somehting more fun soon!!!:)
also got a few more but the blogger taking like 10mins to upload one pic...sorry couldnt upload any but they are people like(i am only naming a few but still got alot more):
*yan ming
*yuan fang
*mei ping
thats all guys,sorry i no mood...and thank you carine for making me feel better...i really have to apologise to you for ignoring you on friday when you talk to me...SORRY:)
you are really a true BEST FRIEND!!!
Funny & Naughty>6th month today....happy sixth month naughty!!!wooo!!!!!many more to come:)
Friday, May 22, 2009
Hey Guys sorry for not posting for the past few days my brother had the computer and i couldnt use it...hahaha:)nvm...
i promised to post about sports carnival but i am going to skip it but still give few details!
i am damn sad cause i have certian friends who are really ungrateful to the fact that i helped them organise the carnival fixtures and just kept blaming me for not putting their name when they didnt even ask me to put their name...even more is when i got kicked out of all the events that i signed up for to play...fucking hell i signed up but i dont get to i have decided to not listen to anyone and do my own stuff from now on...thats was for 20 may 2009
TODAY!!!(22 may 2009)
Today was viveks birthday the long awaited surprise that i have been planning for him...finally was the morning we decided to ignore him and make him think that we all forgot his b'day and just gave him a fake present that was a bunch of newspapers witha dumb game set...
during recess we were supposed to cut his cake but then mr.nathan delayed his lesson and i decided to talk to him and ask him permissions to celebrate it during the CI lesson...and he during CI lesson we all went to the canteen vivek was thinking that we were there to have some stupid ELC lesson...but the actual fact was we all were there to cut his cake and give him b'day present which was an mp4 which i am glad he loves:)
Then was time to go watch a movie but we had to get our art exam stuff done so we went to the art room and settled the N-Level Stuff...then off we went to the movie theatre to watch a movie:)
this is the part which irritated me the most ,i had invited all of the people who came to watch a movie that vivek wanted and in the end everyone started saying they done wanna watch cause it is not a movie to their liking so in the end i said whatever i am here to watch a movie with him you wanna watch watch dont wan i dont eventuall some went home and Vivek,Pat,Shirlene,Me,Carine,Shahul and Zul went to watch Star Trek...damn boring i was sleeping through out the whole movie and i was DAMN DAMN COLD!!!BRRRR!!!!!
IWant to apologise to Patricia because i told her that i will follow her to Subway for dinner and in the end i ps'ed her...i am really SORRY SORRY:(please forgive me:)
so back to the story,then i gave them all my most prized present friendship bands which i hope they will treasure:)
it really means alot to me for those i gave to:)
then pat carine went to the coffee shop to eat and i went home:)
lastly i want to tell vivek:)
i promised to post about sports carnival but i am going to skip it but still give few details!
i am damn sad cause i have certian friends who are really ungrateful to the fact that i helped them organise the carnival fixtures and just kept blaming me for not putting their name when they didnt even ask me to put their name...even more is when i got kicked out of all the events that i signed up for to play...fucking hell i signed up but i dont get to i have decided to not listen to anyone and do my own stuff from now on...thats was for 20 may 2009
TODAY!!!(22 may 2009)
Today was viveks birthday the long awaited surprise that i have been planning for him...finally was the morning we decided to ignore him and make him think that we all forgot his b'day and just gave him a fake present that was a bunch of newspapers witha dumb game set...
during recess we were supposed to cut his cake but then mr.nathan delayed his lesson and i decided to talk to him and ask him permissions to celebrate it during the CI lesson...and he during CI lesson we all went to the canteen vivek was thinking that we were there to have some stupid ELC lesson...but the actual fact was we all were there to cut his cake and give him b'day present which was an mp4 which i am glad he loves:)
Then was time to go watch a movie but we had to get our art exam stuff done so we went to the art room and settled the N-Level Stuff...then off we went to the movie theatre to watch a movie:)
this is the part which irritated me the most ,i had invited all of the people who came to watch a movie that vivek wanted and in the end everyone started saying they done wanna watch cause it is not a movie to their liking so in the end i said whatever i am here to watch a movie with him you wanna watch watch dont wan i dont eventuall some went home and Vivek,Pat,Shirlene,Me,Carine,Shahul and Zul went to watch Star Trek...damn boring i was sleeping through out the whole movie and i was DAMN DAMN COLD!!!BRRRR!!!!!
IWant to apologise to Patricia because i told her that i will follow her to Subway for dinner and in the end i ps'ed her...i am really SORRY SORRY:(please forgive me:)
so back to the story,then i gave them all my most prized present friendship bands which i hope they will treasure:)
it really means alot to me for those i gave to:)
then pat carine went to the coffee shop to eat and i went home:)
lastly i want to tell vivek:)
also i want to thank all 4/8 for helping me co-ordinate this surprise and help me keep the secret!
i want to tell the stupid backstabber that fuck you man i still pulled this off and i really hope he had a wonderful time:)enjoy your NC16 Birthday man:)
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Elective Module Part Two!
Today was our second day for the elective module and we were learning to do colouring and Re bonding...Boring(the colouring part) but the best part was the re bonding because i got to re bond my fringe too!!!super fun... i had to wait up to 45 minutes just to get inch and inch to two to be
after re bonding i was sitting down drying my hair and nisa(super fun person) came in to the class and said she was bored and requested that i stayed and accompanied her till 2pm,i was supposed to meet my friends at 1.30pm to play basket ball but i SACRIFICED!!!hahahah:)
she then took my camera and went nut taking photos with me and the pics:)
after that i left to go play ball...while playing ball i won loads of matches like i mean one on ones...nearing 5.30pm i happened to be playing a match when someone irritating came along and started giving instructions on how to play the game and win???
like hello when you play and we all say u don't like it but when i play and u say so do i have to shut up???no!!!
so i decided to prove U wrong by winning and showing U that i am better then you...OK lah, I understand that it sucks to lose but when you play with friends be sure to remember that its only friendly not some serious match!!!
Ryan is another one!he challenged me to a match and started calling me black and Indian so i got pissed off and i decided to trash him...and guess what i did!!!
i won the match 7-3!!!
yes i showed him...i took it damn serious cause he started playing with colour and race...i can take it if you joke once or twice but make it a habit and i will take you down!!!
tomorrow is the sports carnival pre matches to determine the final matches,have to give my best and i have to show them what i have got! especially certain people!!!
hai ya:)
not angry just a bit pissed off...ahhahaha:)
never mind lah...
(next post/Episode:sports carnival updates and elective module part 3)
take cares and chat later:)bye:)
Monday, May 18, 2009
(for Exams:)
+Get 3points and below for n-level
+Score high marks for all my SA1,Prelims and most importantly N Levels
+Get Into A nursing course,btw i want to become a nurse or a teacher or at the last resot a counsellor
+Come In 1st For 2009 N-level examinations,In school or SINGAPORE!!!
(For Things:)
+New Big Crumpler Bag
+Adidas Shoe(White with Gold Stripes:)
+New Phone
(For Friendship:)
+Peace(guys i understand that we all might have problems but the best thing we can all learn to do is to forgive and forget or talk it out and once it is done forget it and stop backstabbing!!!thats all)
+I really want to indentify my best friends,i have a few currently:
-Yan Ming
-Mei ping
-Kia cher(i simply love to have her as my best friend cause she is just super fun to be around!!!)
-Ying chuan
+Friends who i want/already am close to:
-Cher Beng
(Thats all for now but if i forgot your name pls tell me so that i can add in...sorry this is a fast list off my head:)
Now i wanna tell you about my day:
Today we had elective module,mine was Hairstyling;most of them said it was boring but i found that it was ok except before recess all we did was some bob cut,concave and convex cuts....nice but boring...
Carine and me were like fighting(fake one lah) about the names of people...she kept arguing with me that she knew all the winitsuksa people names but i disagreed so we decided to have a showdown and see who really knew their names well....i had to say one name and she would say the end sadly i lost because i forgot Ping pong(a person from thailand) or else i would have won...ahhaha:)
then we went for the 2nd part of elective module and we were telling jokes while we were doing perming...we decided to share one maniquin because it was just too tough to do one on our own....the instructors joined in and we were tricking them with super super lame jokes...haahahaha:)
after that was time to go home...Izzatie,Jun jing,Carine,Hui min,Cherie and me were walking to the hub to take bus...cherie left half way cause her house is behind the school...then we reached the hub,Izzatie went to buy a shoe and carine went to take a bus Hui Min And Jun jing went to mac to buy ice cream and took our bus to go home...hais...reached homm and i am bored sort of lah...
carine say:
"eh we go home then online then talk ah"
now i am online waiting for her to come which will take 10years:)carine if you read this dont kill me tml ah...ahahha:)
ok lah thats al for today:)
(Next Post/Episode: 2nd part of elective module updates)
Funny>>Naughty almost going to be six months:)hahahaha:)must WISH hor...hahahah:)
"eh we go home then online then talk ah"
now i am online waiting for her to come which will take 10years:)carine if you read this dont kill me tml ah...ahahha:)
ok lah thats al for today:)
(Next Post/Episode: 2nd part of elective module updates)
Funny>>Naughty almost going to be six months:)hahahaha:)must WISH hor...hahahah:)
Saturday, May 16, 2009
B'day Surprise for Vivek:)
O!eres the deal my friends name is vivek(above pointing the gun at me) is turning 16 this Friday
and what i and a couple of my friends plan to do is something way over the top that he wont expect...i cant exactly type it down but i can leave clues...
1)i will TEXT you when i reach!
2)i love _a_e (fill in the banks)
3) star trek,night at the museum
that's all i can say about the surprise...but one thing i am pissed off about is that there is this one guy who is telling him everything.that guy practically told him about the surprise the only thing vivek doesn't know is the clue 1 and 2!!!i have told this guy many many many times not to tell but he keeps doing so...i don't know if purposely or accidentally but he still told and he is ruining the surprise...hais...
the reason i am even planning this whole thing is because last year on my b'day(28 September) vivek planed this outing for me.we went to sentosa,i got my CRUMPLER BAG THAT I REALLY WANTED,i got a volleyball,a cake and also i got to spend it with my best friends...The whole thing might seem like i love him or so....but let me tell you that he is my best friend and he did the same thing for me on my b'day so in return i am trying my best to do the same for him...
nvm if you don't it is 11.00am and i plan to do nothing today except:
g NTUC(to buy stuff)
Order The clue 2(_a_e)
Go to work(Mac Donald's)
Pack My Bag For tml stupid elective module
And SLEEP!!!
oh and also i would like to thank certain people for helping me with this surprise:
-yan Ming
-KIA Cher
-Mei ping
-ying chuan
-Mr Thomas
and those who i have forgotten i am sorry:(...
i got to stop here now but i promise to post once more tml or the day after:)
(Next Episode/post:My wishes and wants for things,friendship and studies)
see ya:)
Friday, May 15, 2009

Hey Welcome!!!
I am keeping this secret for the longest friend who i know for a very long time has confessed to me that her boyfriend just let her go...i asked her why and her reply was because they already did something they should not have done underage!!!!
I am keeping this secret for the longest friend who i know for a very long time has confessed to me that her boyfriend just let her go...i asked her why and her reply was because they already did something they should not have done underage!!!!
i was like what the fuck!!!
BTW i really think this guys is so evil for doing it and dumping her...eventually my response was to forget him and move on but to understand a girls point of view i have to admit it is really EVIL of that dear primary school friend is dumb for even believing him when he said he loves her and will not leave her...hais...even being a guy i find it really cruel to treat the creator of our kind like that imagine that was his sister and another guy did this to her...nvm lah...just venting my anger....
to be continued...(Next Post/Episode:my really Best Friend's birthday surprise...get the juicy details of what i am planning for my friend!!!keep coming back...bye!!!)
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